Saturday, May 16, 2009

last post

I think..

This has given me more motivation for P3. 
What i think has been said. 
and main problem's definitely discipline. 
Were we too comfortable with each other? 
don't know. 
But anyhow, it has been a great experience.. 
traditional animation and all. 
I liked it. I think i'm going to do that for P3. 
It's a little sad though.. 
i don't like having nothing to say when someone goes 
"hey how's your project! " 
haha. oh well.. 

The end. 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Last day

Nothing much to be said, no excuses. We weren't able to complete our animation, and honestly, I'm not exactly proud of the outcome.

I feel I really lack discipline and time management. Negativity aside, this module has taught me a lot about what it takes to be an animator, and more importantly, a designer. I now have a much better idea of what to expect when doing animation, like how to plan my time well, little mistakes to avoid, and tricks that can be applied to improve and speed up animation. One thing I can say is that there is a lot of planning to be done before anything is executed. I think this can be applied to anything we do. Proper planning instead of rushing into things can save us precious time that would have been used to correct mistakes had we not planned in the first place.

One question that was raised during presentation today, "If I could do this project all over again, what would I change?" I gave this question some thought, though I didn't actually give an answer on the spot. I think I would have actually heed Amanda's advice and went back to traditional animation. There is truth in the fact that there is much more control given to the animator when animating traditionally, not to mention being able to avoid computer crashes and file corruptions.

Well, that's it for Animation 02, I'll do better for P3.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Closing entry

our module has officially ended. we didn't get to complete the animation on time and ours was the most incomplete one of all.

i'll admit that i am quite disappointed at myself. Dion mention that we needed more discipline when executing such a feat again. he's probably right. right now it's just another reminder for another possible similar occurence to come.

then again, while i am truely disappointed, i'm not that depressed at all.

because i had a great time; it's the first time i've tried to animate the traditional way. and it's taught me many things. it's shown me more ways to mimic another person's style, one which i'm very proud of as an artist. it's shown me that teamwork really can pull things together. it's shown me that getting along with each other can make things a lot easier when difficult times press ahead.

because we know each other's abilities, because we understand each other's weaknesses. therefore we can compesate and not claw at each other when push comes to shove. i think that that is very important.

as animators, it's not uncommon that we might face a one-man job ever so often. in fact we're doing it right now in P3. even though that we're doing things solo in our projects, i believe it's still very important that we still have some sort of bond or understanding of each other.

if it's one thing animating has taught me, it's that nothing is truly a one-man job.

no doubt we'll still be asking for help in our assignments, and it's that trust we've built up that helps us along the way.

if ever possible, i'd would very much like to just sit down and finish the animation. that opportunity may not come for a long time, but when it's finally done i'll feel again the satisfaction of a job well done like always.

Last Day

Today, was quite a bad day actually. We did not really complete our animation, yet we still submitted. We were quite dissapointed, because some of us have incomplete shots in it, and so the animations looks really bad on the final piece. But still, we learnt alot from it, that no matter how demoralise the team should be. Saying that wouldnt help at all, we should just advance forward and tackle our toughest problem head on.

Lastly, Good job guys! We may not have completed our animation, but still, good job on it=D.

Last Day

I finished all my entire-3D shots needed for the opening sequence. The interior is more or less ready to go for rendering, but the computer keeps crashing. Well, maybe it wouldn't if I used a 64-bit machine instead.

After doing my 3D shots, I took some of Angie's shots and started coloring them. Everyone left at 11, Greg and I stayed till about 12 plus before deciding to head home.

Its stressful. We still have quite a few things to do. PLUS P3 animatics. Hell. Bye.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today we recorded voices. Was quite alright actually. It took a lot lesser time than I expected it to take. All the keyframe drawings are coming well into place. Definitely worried about the time constraint we have to finish the in-betweens though.

Anyway, I've been continuing my brainless process of coloring. Apparently, I couldn't just pick the color and fill it as how it should have been because certain lines were not joined up properly or something. So I had to color every single thing. Oh, and I made sure to have a clean alpha channel so that I could place the 3D backgrounds later during compositing.

Stress! Very stressful!


I am done with 6 of my shots for my scene. I am left with 3 more!! haha, currently, my group is quite stressed out. We did recording of voices today, and most of us has almost completed our keyframe drawings for our scenes. HAHA. keep it up guys!!! we're near the finishing line=D.
I finished keyframing my shots. 
I'll be going off to malaysia for a day. 
I will use this opportunity to get the hell away
from school and come back fresh. 
that's good. 